Vicki commented the other day about how good it was to have made some friends who have walked the walk,as I can 'see if it works'. I have come to realise there is no see if it works... Will all babies learn to walk? Of course they will, some at 9months and some at 18months but if they are physically capable,they will learn.All babies will learn to go to the toilet, if they are not introduced to the concept till later they don't get the opportunity the begin the journey.
The one thing I know for sure,he is already getting the idea/ better than he was 3 weeks ago with simple things.He can hold his wee a bit longer.If he needs to go,he will. truth is he'd prob go if I cue him or not,but I find cueing him good in case I need him to go somewhere 'different' to the norm.I need him to have a clear sign that it is ok. I remember flying home to my parents with Eli around 2 yo and newly toilet trained.We were on the descent,and he needed to go to the toilet.The poor thing was desperate,but I had Ebony in my arms,and no way they would let me get up and take him to the toilet.I had to put a nappy on him and tell him to go in the nappy. I envisage in the future a similar thing happening,once he gets more control. If he gives me a look,which I know means 'I need to go',but it is not a possibility,I may need to cue him to go in his nappy????
I have had many more successes with him going to the toilet,and by now you don't need stats or how many per day.For the purpose of EC none of this is relevant. I offer him regularly and he goes if he needs to.I miss both,but we get plenty. There are a few occasions at this stage that stick in my mind.
- On Sat he woke at 9:30am and I was taking the big kids to taekwondo.I offered him the loo but suspected he had just gone. I continued to get ready,and offer a couple of times in 10 to 10 we had to go.I whipped a nappy on and away we went. I took his top hat potty.Once we got there I dropped the kids (5mins late) and then parked and jumped in the back of the car. I took his nappy off and it was still dry! Yay! Then he proceeded to do a nice big wee in the potty, I put his nappy back on and in we went. Fab!Knwing how regularly he goes in the morning I was sure he would go on the way.
- Today after lunch with Michelle, I had to go and pick up the kids from school. We were home by 3:30pm.I put him on the potty and he went. I put a clean nappy on and at 4 he went gain,and his nappy was still dry. That was great,he went to bed by 4:15 or so.Once he woke,I went straight in, unzipped his sleeping bag and took off the nappy... still dry. Of course it was just after 5:30pm by this time.Then I offered again at 6pm and he didn't need to go, but was still dry. So same dry nappy for 2 and a half hours... so far that's a record!!!! Yippeeeee!
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